Fourth and Fifth Grade Strings

Fourth and Fifth Grade Strings

2011 Fifth Grade Class

You will be missed!

Mr. Kartes 2011 Fourth Grade Class

Mr. Reeths and Mr. Russell's 2011 Fourth Grade Classes


By fourth grade, North Muskegon string players have developed strong foundational music skills as instrumentalists, music readers, and ensemble players.  In fourth and fifth grade strings classes, we will expand our repertoire, playing string orchestra arrangements which challenge and strengthen our musicianship as an ensemble and as individuals.

Learning to play a musical instrument requires dilligent practice over time. Practicing at home is essential to growth. Simply playing through familiar songs over and over again is NOT practice. Parents can help students set specific goals that are both challenging and attainable goals for each practice session. Good 'practicers' know how to choose small 'chunks' of music that need work. They try to improve one thing at a time (pitch, rhythm, bowing, dynamics, tempo). Consistent practice over time (short sessions almost every day) works much better than one marathon practice session every week. 

Fourth and Fifth Grade String players perform at least two evening concerts each year at the North Muskegon Flex Center.  Other venues for performance may also be considered.